Surgical Services

From surgery to recovery, your pet's safety is our primary focus.

At Limestone City Animal Hospital we perform surgical procedures ranging from routine spays and neuters to more advanced operations like fracture repairs and emergency care. We know how stressful surgeries can be for your family and we do our best to keep you informed throughout the process. Everyone in the operating room has your pet’s best interest at heart. We work with care and precision during all our procedures.

What happens before surgery?

Before each operation our team has to run some tests to determine the patient’s health. Surgery requires anesthesia and we have to make sure your pet can recover from the procedure. We will do a physical exam, run blood tests and other diagnostics to identify any issues that may complicate the operation. Our team will share the results with you and explain the procedure. If the results are normal, then we can go ahead and schedule the surgery for your pet.

During surgery we monitor their heart rate, other vital signs and provide them with enough anesthesia so they don’t feel pain. Once complete, we monitor them until the anesthesia wears off and they are ready to be discharged. We send them home for recovery with medications to help with the pain and instructions on how to support them through recovery.

How should I prepare my pet for surgery?

It might seem small but your attitude towards your pet having surgery can impact them. Just like us, your furry friends can sense your fear and mimic your attitude. Fortunately for you and your pet, when you choose us to perform your pet’s surgery they are in the best hands. We do our utmost best to ensure every patient is comfortable during surgery and makes a successful recovery. Our team will inform you of any special instructions for your pet’s individual surgery. For all surgeries we require all pets to be updated on their vaccines and fast for approximately 8 hours before their procedure.

How long will recovery be for my pet?

Your pet’s recovery time is dependent on the type of surgery they have and their overall health. Following each procedure our veterinarians will give you some insights on what to expect for the following weeks or months of recovery time. Surgeries that involve abdomen incisions can heal within 6 weeks, while orthopedic surgeries can take up to 6 months. If you have questions about your pet’s recovery, call us at 613-542-5552.

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