
Regular deworming will keep your pet healthy and avoid parasite-related illnesses.

The worms that infect your pet are much more destructive and harmful than the ones that eat at your flowers/plants. In younger pets, worms are especially dangerous as they can lead to death. (This is also the case for severe infestations left untreated for a long period of time.) If your pet becomes infected with worms they can become malnourished or dehydrated, suffer from internal organ damage and develop anemia. To protect your loyal companion our hospital offers deworming treatments. This service is a huge part of our preventative program, our goal is to safeguard your furry pal before an infestation and deworm them if they are infected.

What are signs that my pet has worms?

To detect worms in your pet it is imperative they have regular checkups. In some cases the signs of an infestation aren’t noticeable due to the amount of worms or how long they’ve been infected. To keep your pet healthy you should look out for:

  • Bloated stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dehydration
  • Lethargy
  • Dull coat
  • Vomiting

Never ignore any of these symptoms as they sometimes indicate that something potentially dangerous is happening to your pet. To have one of our veterinarians examine your pet, reach out to us at 613-542-5552.

How often should my pet be dewormed?

As puppies and kittens, your pet will need to be dewormed more often than older pets, since they are often born with parasites. After that, deworming should happen regularly. Please speak with your veterinarian for more information about the frequency of deworming.

What treatments are available for my pet if they have worms?

The type of treatment that we create to deworm your pet is determined by the type of worms your pet has. We may perform blood tests, check their stool or other diagnostics to determine which worms they have. A deworming treatment will then be prescribed for your pet. Deworming medications come in the form of injections, topical creams, liquids or tablets.

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