Behavioural Counselling

Learn how to avoid undesired behaviours and strengthen the bond with your pet.

Your pet’s safety and health is always your main priority, so when they start to act differently or show bad habits, you obviously want to resolve this issue. Trying to do this on your own can be extremely difficult. Fortunately, our team knows the right techniques to encourage your pet to disengage in behaviour that is potentially harmful. We are here to help you resolve any behavioural issues they may have.

How do I know if my pet needs counselling?

You can consider how safe your pet and others within their surroundings are to determine whether they need counselling. Some questions to ask yourself are: Is my pet safe when they start to show their quirky behaviour? Are other pets or humans safe when my pet is acting out? If you can’t confidently answer yes, then your pet may benefit from counselling.

What may be causing my pet to act out?

Your pet is unable to vocalize their fear, anxiety or reason for their aggression, so you have to decode their behaviour. When your pet starts to show quirky habits, we encourage you to reach out to a veterinarian. Our veterinarians will ensure that their behaviour doesn’t stem from a medical issue. Your pet could be acting out due to:

  • Separation anxiety (if you work long hours they may get lonely and begin to miss you)
  • Being bothered by other pets or humans (this can cause them to become aggressive)
  • Changes in their environment such as new people or pets (even moving their litter box can trigger reactions)

What are signs my pet needs behavioural counselling?

Some of the signs might be an annoyance to deal with but your pet’s behaviour can sometimes be an indication of a serious medical issue. You should contact our team at 613-542-5552 if your pet shows any of the following behaviours:

  • Pacing, whining or panting
  • Excessively licking themselves until they have bald patches
  • Hiding
  • House soiling
  • Excessive meowing or barking
  • Destroying furniture
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